Has it finally happened? Part of the Covid Club? A pink line {+} has showed up on the rapid test for RJ our Son. What model of C-Virus does he have? Too many useless questions in a "that doesn't many sense" Pandemic. My option is many "I Don't Know" & I am fine with that.
Don't get me wrong, I believe in Science & the evolution of viruses. Do my part, be a role model for my Son while navigating our current World SHIT-uations.
Society Burn Out Is REAL. Feeling it.
BTW, not too keep you hanging. RJ is surviving. Typical flu/cold symptoms.
It's been 6 days since RJ symptoms begun {Saturday}, 2 days of fever/headache & now congested. Test again Sunday to make sure School is attendable for him. Kyle has no symptoms & I started to get a headache..."monthly condition" headache...possibly, or the start....
I'll test too, to make sure I am safe to serve Guests. I'll be good.
Timing of Ryker being sick was Chefs Kiss. Legit.
RJ has School Reading Week - Week off in February. I took this week off to be productive with him + utilize this week as a "Back Up Plan" week if January/February shit hit the fan covid cancelation/ rescheduling. Back Up Plan worked out. Not having to do a weeks worth of cancelling or rescheduling. Business Bliss Moments.
Yes, I got more than usual reschedulings. Sucks yet I handled it with easy & understanding. Not many were late minute {did happen & covid relate - waived cancelation fee} majority were before the the 24hr cut off & switched their own session online using Vagaro booking system I put in place. Another Business Bliss!!! They knew there schedule better than mine & save us both time. WINS.
Business feels sustainable & balanced. With so many efforts I have implemented & truthfully there are many more elements to be discovered/experimeted & put in place.
Gaining new Guests, managing my balance, sharing Sheariously online, trying new things & re-implementing efforts.
Yes, re-implementing! Things I've tried but couldn't balance my consistency. Try, try & trying again.
Random & off topic BUT pure honesty...my longest trying & unbalanced portion of my life is Health Wellness. Nutritional is over eat & don't eat. Activity LACKS. My mouth is the only thing I exercised in the last 2 years. I enjoy being in the kitchen....
My life isn't completely balanced, my efforts are put in other priorities. For sure this is a life priority of my & I WILL get then when I can.
With this week being off I have snuggled & cared for my Son, I have cleaned, organized, playing board games in VR with Ryker, detoxed Instagram scrolling, revamped/updated Sheariously website. Need to do one more page {Hair Menu} ALSO, it's been a while since the last update to the site. Last year I scaled back from a few business aspects of the digital world to be more present. I burnt-out digitally, now realized what causes them to be more prepare when implementing a better structure/foundation to what/how to digitally show up. My digital balance plan!
When scoping what I have done that isn't visible on my website, I am impressed with myself. Those self validation & appreciating moments of my past progress. Yet again another Business/Self Bliss moment. Motivated myself. I like that.
Leaving this entry on a high vibe.
Till next time, BE MARVELOUS!
Sin-Sheariously, Jami!