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I can't take the digital world to Sheariously...

The virtual connections, entertainment & rapid knowledge are technology blessings but the down falls can be daunting. Comparsion, bullying, privacy violation, exploration, horrific dark web, hacks & scams are Shit-uations we'd all like to avoid.

Have you seen the Documentarys 'Tinder Swindler' 'The Most Hated Man On The Interent' 'Don't F**k With Cats' 'Social Dilemma' 'Web Of Make Believe' (If you watched other Interent related, please reach out & share)

Watching these shows definitely upgrades my digital self-awareness on what/how I want to expose part of my life.

I definitely share more Business content than personal.

4ish years ago, Sheariously Instagram was hacked. Lost all access. First step, I did was canceled my Business credit card that I was randomly use for Ads, just in case the Hacker could access it. Them sneaker buggers. Second step, sent an email to Clients regarding the Shit-uation with new account to follow.

It stung losing all my informative content & Eye-gasmic hair porn bahaha yet I was optimistic about starting fresh.

Flash forward to now, there is a scammer trying to be Insta-cool like me haha.

The Instagram account is using my full name {DON'T FOLLOW ---> @jami_lynn_annis_labrie737} looks like Sheariously's account & using pictures from both accounts. The audacity & creepy AF.

Through this experience, I must say this...use it as a learning opportunity to teach your children Digital Self-awareness!

The internet life is rapidly expanding with wonderful & wacky AF platforms.

Explaining the current Shit-uation to RJ actually inspired him to be a "Digital Defender" as a career. (I did discuss that that type of career would be a mentally hard job seeing horrific outcomes yet rewarding bringing peace to victims) He already reports/blocks video game players who say derogatory/racial comments. Right steps.

RJ wanted to be involved so much with bringing this Imposter to justice. I could see him get frustrated with me not wanting to presue a conversation with this Scammer. He asked why I wasn't mad. Ready for this, pinnacle moment in my life...

I told him that Social Media doesn't dictate what my value & worth as human. Put it on a tee-shirt!!!! I'll put it on Canva first!

Quicky back story...I tried different experimental goals for Social Media.

Another Instagram account called Balance Your Beauty Business, Podcast, Launched a Guidebook...I am not committed (hense experimental goals to see what aligned with me) I have a hard time balancing, digital burnout or consuming more time than I want on the internet rather than in real life experiences.

Don't get me wrong, Social Media FOMO marketing pulls me in time from time.

I value reality over virtual...I share when, how, what freely as I choose. No method as I like trying/exploring different creative ways, plus I have purpose & great intention to share Mindset over Mirror + Mane-tainable Hair. This way balances me for the time being.

Coming to peace with how I handle the value of the Social Media game was enlightening. Yes, Social does have value & is valued on so many levels to each individual. I value what it brings to my business & connections however, the value isn't the top of my core priorities.

So with this scammer that's not the word...debacle. (lmao I like my word better) I can say I am not secreting unnecessary engergy & took action on what I was capable to do. Report, more account security, post on stories, email Guests, private message people who started following the false account & not engaging.

Can't fight fire with fire & the scam game on Instagram is firey. So many! Protect yo selfs!

I sure hope that my level headed approach gave leadership to my Son on how to deal with future unfortunate digital Shit-uations & with you reading, Social Media is still an engery exchange, if you are exhausted, revaluate your exposure & value.

Thanks for your time & if you have any other tactics to avoid Scammers/Hacker please reach out!

Sin-Sheariously the real Jami

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