Hello Hello! You must be here to find your ideal Beauty Budget for your hair journey. In this present day, record high inflation is happening & priorities in your financial game has shifted...again since 2020.

Sheariously, all jokes aside...
Hair & beauty treatments are seen very much as an investment rather than a cost. Do you even know what you invest in each month/year? Many don't & just do... PLUS a vast majority go into debt chasing appointments, products & the flooded ads on Instagram/TikTok don't help the temptations.
Regular hair & beauty regime are essential self-care rituals for women to look & feel their best...BUT I Sheariously want to mention that the outer look isn't the only top priority to make you feel your best unless your money mindset of your beauty budget doesn't align. 'Masking' your full potential of being your own confident self by going into debt to keep up with unrealistic beauty standards. Embracing your true Beauty Budget & try to disregard the comparison vibes of how others decide to spend on higher prices beauty investments will be a mental journey on it's own yet rewarding to your lifestyle & a peace of mind. In my hair world, a haircut only hair journey is just as valued as a high priced colour journey. My motto: Mindset Over Mirror

Here's the thang, Beauty Investments fluctuate, especially hair products. The amount we use or don't use {hoarded products}, how often we apply, depending on each individuals abundance/texture of hair & what type of hair colour/chemical alteration journey you decided will factor what that type(s) of hair care products needed.
When consistency of attending salon session &/or hair care products are being utilized... YES, Healthier Hair is the result BUT it also means more consistency of investments for mane-tance. Does your investment match your income allowance to keep up?
I created a Beauty Budget Itinerary {view down below} to assist you in navigating your hair investments. It will help break down all costs in your own personal Beauty Budget.
This Beauty Budget planner is to assist you in making sure the value of your hair journey aligns with your financial structure. Hair services are a continuous upkeep investment. There are certain hair colour/ chemical alterations that require frequent mane-tenance visits & others that can have longevity between salon sessions. Having more transparency on your personal hair desires, beauty budget starts with trusted communication with your hair guru. This will only have your expectations met.
An added bonus, is I am giving this digital planner absolutely FREE! Even better news, NO needing to enter your email to get the goods!
Screenshot, Print & Plan!
Screenshot & use the information, convert into an Excel Spreadsheet.
Bring to your own Hairstylist to help you Budget.
Do what you will with this marvelous planner to help you succeed in your Beauty Budget Planning!
My gift to you to make your hair journey inspirational & sustainable!
Please don't hesitate to reach out for any question regarding this Beauty Budget Planner.
I Sheariously got your back! Instagram handle @_sheariously or sheariously.jami@gmail.com